Top 10 Estate Planning Books You Must Read

Including an estate plan in your overall financial strategy is an essential requirement. Planning for your estate is crucial because it prevents your loved ones from dealing with any unwanted legal or financial issues and guarantees that your assets will be allocated how you intend.

If you need more experience or information in this area, estate planning can seem complicated. Reading estate planning books is an excellent option for getting some helpful advice and insights in such a situation. This blog comprises the ten best books on estate planning 2023, and beyond that you must read.

What is Estate Planning?

Making a strategy for distributing your assets after death is called Estate Planning. Ensuring that your assets are dispersed per your preferences entails creating legal papers like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. Making plans for managing your assets in the event of incapacitation is another aspect of estate planning.

At What Age Do Most People Do Estate Planning?

How Much Time Does It Take To Get Money After Probate?

While there is no specific age for estate planning, it is recommended that individuals start planning as soon as they have accumulated assets of value. This could be as early as their twenties or thirties, but most people start planning in their forties or fifties.
Estate planning is an ongoing process that should be revisited regularly to ensure that your plan is up-to-date and reflects your current wishes.

How to educate yourself on Estate Planning?

When it comes to estate planning, especially if you need to be made aware of the legal and financial ramifications, it may be a complex and intimidating process. Because of this, it’s critical to educate yourself on estate planning and the measures required to ensure your estate is correctly administered. Thankfully, several tools out there can teach you about estate planning. Reading books on estate planning published by industry experts is one of the ideal methods to get started. These books can help you understand the basics of estate planning and provide tips and strategies for creating a comprehensive estate plan. Here is a list of the best books on trusts and estate planning to help you get started.

List of Best Estate Planning Books:

  1. Estate Planning for Dummies by N. Brian Caverly and Jordan S. Simon
If you’re new to estate planning and are looking for a reliable source to guide you through the process, look no further than this Estate Planning for Dummies book, written by N. Brian Caverly and Jordan S. Simon. This book is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of estate planning, including wills, trusts, probate, and taxes. This book stands out because of its approachable writing style, which breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone with a basic understanding of estate planning, this book can serve as an estate planning checklist to ensure you’ve covered all the necessary aspects of your estate plan.
  1. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Estate Planning by Stephen Maple
It is one of the best books on trusts and wills that provides a comprehensive guide to estate planning and covers topics such as wills, trusts, probate, taxes, and asset protection.
  1. Plan Your Estate by Denis Clifford
If you’re looking for an all-encompassing estate planning guide book, “Plan Your Estate” is an excellent resource. This book covers a wide range of estate planning topics, including wills, trusts, probate, and taxes, and provides readers with practical advice and checklists to create a personalized estate plan. The included forms and worksheets also make it an effective estate planning workbook to guide readers through the planning process.
  1. Estate Planning Smarts: A Practical, User-Friendly, Action-Oriented Guide by Deborah L. Jacobs
This book provides practical advice on estate planning and covers topics such as wills, trusts, probate, taxes, and asset protection. It also includes case studies and real-life examples to help readers understand the concepts.
  1. Estate Planning Basics by Denis Clifford
This estate planning booklet covers all the essential topics, such as wills, trusts, probate, and taxes, in a straightforward and easy-to-understand language. It is an excellent resource for those who want to understand the basics of estate planning without getting overwhelmed by technical jargon.

List of Best Books on Trusts:

  1. The Complete Book of Trusts by Martin M. Shenkman
This book provides a comprehensive guide to trusts and covers topics such as revocable trusts, irrevocable trusts, special needs trusts, and charitable trusts. It also includes forms and worksheets to help readers create their trust.
  1. The Trustee’s Legal Companion by Liza Hanks
This book guides trustees on how to manage trusts effectively. It covers fiduciary duties, investment management, and trust administration.
  1. How to Create a Revocable Living Trust by Theodore Hughes
It is a living trust book that provides a step-by-step guide to creating a revocable living trust. It covers funding the trust, naming beneficiaries, and managing assets.

Books on Advance Care Planning, Legacy Planning, and End-of-Life Planning:

  1. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
This book explores the challenges and limitations of modern medicine when it comes to end-of-life care. It also offers practical advice on improving the quality of life for terminally ill patients.
  1. The Conversation: A Revolutionary Plan for End-of-Life Care by Angelo E. Volandes
This book provides a guide to having difficult but necessary conversations about end-of-life care with loved ones and healthcare providers. It also offers practical advice on how to navigate the healthcare system during the end-of-life process.


Estate planning is an essential part of everyone’s financial planning. Reading books about estate planning can provide valuable insights and guidance for creating an effective estate plan. The above list of the best estate planning books covers various topics, from the basics of estate planning to trusts, advance care planning, legacy planning, and end-of-life planning. 

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